Issue Stories

October 2022

The Invasion Of The Indian Auto Industry

In India, a 'Made-in-China' product invites a general perception of ‘being cheap, inferior in quality and short-lived’. While these accusations may stand true for the mass consumable goods, the Chinese car industry has been nothing short of revolutionary on a global scale over the past two decades...

EIMG Drive To East Himalaya Rally Flag Off 2022

Even as an impending cyclonic storm threatened to play spoilt sport, the members of Eastern India Motoring Group (EIMG) – an active body of historic car enthusiasts – gathered in front of the Town Hall...

Education System In West Bengal A New Perspective

West Bengal, known as the land of Durga Puja, Rasagolla, Darjeeling Tea, Sunderbans and Nobel Laureates is the cultural hub of India. West Bengal is the descendant of erstwhile Bengal which has been the cradle of Indian Renaissance; the bed-rock of Indian National Movement....

Winter Proofing Your Car

Although Kolkata isn’t known for its extreme winters, however, it is essential to make your car winter ready. Taking proper steps to prepare your car for the winter season can increase the lifespan of your vehicle...

Solitude At Shankarpur

For a true blue Kolkattan and especially the Bengali milieu of the City of Joy, there is no occasion more joyous than Durga Puja which is when the universal Mother comes home...


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