Souvik Ghosh Published : 10 December 2020

With the development of roadways and the increase in vehicular traffic in India, the need for basic amenities for road users was pointed out both by the government and the petroleum industry. The Petroleum Ministry and the Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies thereby formulated and enforced the basic amenities as mandatory requirements to be provided by all retail outlets across the country. Read on to know your rights as a motorist in India.
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India, through its circular dated 26.12.13 and 18.1.18 ordered proper maintenance of toilets and provision of drinking water for all road users at all fuel stations and rest areas on National Highways. 

Along with the government regulations, Marketing Discipline Guidelines (MDG) were formulated for extending the facilities free of cost at the retail outlets of Public Sector Oil Marketing Companies (OMC) – Indian Oil, Hindustan Petroleum, and Bharat Petroleum. The facilities were thereby made available across 27,981 fuel stations of Indian Oil, 15,584 outlets of Hindustan Petroleum, and 15,078 fuel stations of Bharat Petroleum as of 24.10.19. 
As per the Marketing Discipline Guidelines (MDG), all retail outlets of Indian Oil, Hindustan Petroleum, and Bharat Petroleum are required to maintain and provide the facilities free of cost as a standard protocol. The directive stated that non-maintenance of any of the required facilities would fall under the ‘irregularities at retail outlets’ and penalised appropriately as per the guideline.

The Marketing Discipline Guidelines emphasises on the following services that are to be made available compulsorily and free of cost across all fuel stations owned by IOC, HPCL, and BPCL.
Drinking water
Air for tyre
First-Aid box
Emergency call

First Aid box is an essential item available at all fuel pumps


Travelling on highways, washrooms have always been a big concern right after leaving home. Women, especially, struggle to find a clean, hygienic toilet on the go. 
As per the MDG issued by the PSU OMCs, a fuel station has to ensure the availability of clean toilets within its premises, demarcated separately for gents and ladies.
If you are desperate to relieve yourself and happen to spot a petrol pump, just head there. The petrol pump toilets can be used round the clock and the facility is available free of cost. And most importantly, you need not be a customer to avail this facility.
As per the MDG protocol, a fuel station should check daily and ensure the following:
Toilets are kept clean round the clock.
 Proper lighting is available.
Flush (wherever provided) is working  properly.
Water is available.
The latch on the toilet door is available and in working condition.
Signage is available
Toilet door is not kept locked. 

Air for tyre is freely available at all fuel pumps

As per the MDG protocol, during a company inspection, if it is observed otherwise, a photograph of the toilet shall be taken and a letter issued instantly listing the penalty as per MDG.
To ensure that the toilet units are provided in a uniform manner, standard layout for toilets was issued by the Ministry.
Separate access to all road users of National Highways with traffic signage indicating availability of the toilets may also be put up at the petrol pump, according to the government circular. The toilets are also supposed to remain open all day, as a standard protocol. Simply drive into the fuel station, park at any corner or free space, so that it doesn’t obstruct the regular business of the pumping stations for vehicles coming in to refuel. 
Mind you, all the regulations mentioned herein are for the benefit of the motorists and other road users. So feel free to relieve yourself on your next spin and enjoy!

Signage showing free services available at a petrol pump

Drinking Water
Sourcing safe and clean drinking water on the move could be a problem especially in the outskirts of the city or in remote areas. As per the MDG, all PSU owned fuel stations in the country are required to offer clean drinking water free of cost to all road users. To avail the same, you can enter any fuel station and drink water right there or fill your bottles with water for onward drive. 
The drinking water point can be accessed 24×7 by any road user. You need not hesitate even if you do not buy fuel from the pump. Just park your vehicle inside the outlet and avail the water.
An essential facility on long drives indeed!

Gents and ladies toilets are mandatory at all petrol pumps for road users

Air for tyre
As per the MDG, every petrol pump is required to provide air along with a calibrated air gauge for your car tyres without charging any fee.
The MDG doesn’t specify any retail outlet personnel who would fill the air in the car tyres. It only talks about providing free air facility. So there may be situations where you may have to help yourself – i.e. fill the air yourself.
In case you pay to fill the air at fuel stations, tipping the attendant would be considered purely an act of benevolence. However, if we follow the MDG strictures, the attendant cannot demand money. In case he does, it is entirely your personal discretion whether you like to pay or not.

Drinking water facility – a must at all fuel pumps

First Aid box
Road accidents can occur anywhere – in the heart of a city or on a highway. If you happen to witness a road accident but are unsure about how to help the victim without any first aid kit, rush to your nearest petrol pump and ask for one. 
As per the MDG, petrol pumps are required to maintain a First Aid box with medicines (not beyond expiry dates) that can come handy during an emergency.
You may also require a simple antiseptic or cotton wool for yourself or your passengers in the car while driving. Simply drive in and ask for the first aid kit at a fuel outlet. Who knows this can turn out to be your saviour!
You may have seen the sign of a telephone on the signage of a fuel station. Ever wondered why? As per the MDG, fuel pumps of PSU OMC are supposed to provide a road user with an emergency phone. 
In case you need to make an urgent call, you can drive straight to any fuel station. Whether you need to call the kin of an accident victim or call your friend for some help, petrol pumps will grant you a free phone call. 
The next time you are stranded on road with your phone out of charge, and need to make an urgent call, just walk or drive down to the nearest petrol pump to avail this service.

Remember, all the services offered at the fuel pumps have to be free of cost irrespective of whether you have halted there to refuel your vehicle’s tank or not. It is not necessary that you have to buy fuel from the same retail outlet to avail the free services.
In case you are asked to pay for any of the above services, no matter how nominal a fee, you have all the right to refuse and file a complaint. 
As per the MDG, a suggestion/complaint book has to be maintained at all retail outlets and made readily available to customers on demand. Also, a message declaring the availability of this book must be prominently displayed at the premises.
A dealer must also prominently display the name and phone number of the oil company officer who has to be contacted in case of complaints. For problems regarding any of the free services, never hesitate to call the company personnel and rest assured – they are sure to come to your aid.

The non-availability or non-maintenance of any of the listed services is classified either as a ‘Major Irregularity’ or ‘Minor Irregularities’ under the MDG as follows:

Penalty for non-availability of a clean toilet at a fuel station
Under the protocol, the non-availability of clean toilets would be considered as a ‘Major Irregularity’ of the fuel station with the following penalties:
1st instance: Penalty of Rs. 15000
2nd instance: Penalty of Rs. 25000
3rd and subsequent instances: 
(a) Rs. 35,000 or 45% of the monthly dealer margin (based on the average of last 6 months), whichever is higher; and
(b) Suspension of ‘sales and supplies’ for 7 days or rectification of the defect in the toilet, whichever is later.

Penalty for non-availability of air, telephone and first aid box or contact details at a fuel station
As per the MDG regulations, the non-availability of any facility at a fuel station like air, telephone and first aid box, contact details of authorised persons to be contacted in case of complaint/grievance would be considered as a ‘Minor Irregularity’ with the following penalties:
1st instance: Warning-cum-guidance letter
2nd instance: `Rs.10000 per irregularity 
3rd and subsequent instances: Rs. 25000 per irregularity

Way ahead
Considering the MDG of the OMC in developing the modalities of a petrol pump for catering to the frequent highway users and long distant motorists, today travelling by road has become extremely convenient, especially for women and children, who are often in need of a clean washroom and drinking water. So, shrug off your inhibitions where long distant driving is concerned and sally forth.

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