Souvik Ghosh Published : 10 June 2017

At times you get pulled over by the traffic personnel manning the intersections for no apparent reason. You simply pay the spot fine of Rs100 and leave the spot without even knowing what went wrong or the rules which you might have violated simply due to ignorance. Traffic management is a dynamic subject which sees lot of change. Often we are unaware of the changes or the grey areas that exist such as stopline violations and many more. Our archaic driving training sessions also do not prepare us for the changes that are being introduced. Traffic violations would come down to half if drivers are made aware or updated about the rules and regulations. Moreover, armed with better infrastructure like speed guns or CCTV footage, authorities have really turned vigilant. This time Team WHEELS has come up with 18 confusing aspects of existing traffic rules. Read on to know how to avoid violating traffic rules and mind you, a little effort can go a long way.

The following rules are often left out during driving training sessions but are applicable to all privately owned light motor vehicles. 

1 # Confusion: Should you slow down, drive on or stop during amber signal?
Rule: Amber or the yellow light is the trickiest. It is a cautionary light appearing after the green and before the red, signaling you to slow down and stop. The rule is, once the signal turns amber from green and you have not crossed the Stop line yet, you should immediately slow down and stop.
Exemption: When the signal turns amber from green, if you have crossed the Stop line, then you should continue to drive and cross the intersection.
(Note: ‘Signal’ means the traffic light and ‘sign’ means the traffic sign board) 

If the police intercepts you for crossing the signal, explain your position during the amber light which forced you to drive on. The CCTV would be recording your exact position and may suffice as evidence later, if required.
If, due to a mechanical fault the green light abruptly changes to red – do as above. Stop if you are before the Stop line and drive on if you have already crossed the Stop line. 

Maximum first Penalty: `100

What does a flashing amber light and a flashing red light at a traffic signal signify?
Rule: A flashing amber (yellow) light, commonly seen at late hours in the evening, indicates that you should slow down and proceed with caution. It does not mean the system is malfuctioning.
At blinking red light signals you to stop, observe the traffic and continue to go across the intersection with caution. 
  These are recent changes introduced in the signalling system and so motorists are often found to be unfamiliar with the concept of flashing traffic signals.

Where should you stop at an intersection without an earmarked ‘Stop’ line?
Rule: At a ‘Stop’ line before a road junction or pedestrian crossing, no driver shall drive a motor vehicle so that any part thereof projects beyond the Stop line when a police officer or a traffic signal signals the vehicle to stop.
Thus, at an intersection without a ‘Stop’ line, if you are asked or indicated to stop, do so at any point prior to the primary signal, if it has one, or else, at any point before the road junction. (The ‘primary’ signal is the first signal pole before the intersection. Secondary signal is the second signal pole after the intersection – generally located across the road).
Exemption: If you have crossed the primary signal and protruded onto the road junction, then you should continue to drive and cross the intersection.
For a ‘Stop’ line violation – the position of front wheels are considered. If it is inside the ‘Stop’ line – it is not a violation even if the car’s bumper has transgressed the Stop line.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

Do you overtake on a road which has continuous white lines?
Rule: On a two-way road, if the central lines are marked by two parallel continuous white lines or one continuous yellow line or spring poles or traffic cones – it indicates neither any overtaking is permitted nor U turn is allowed.
Exemption: If it is a single continuous white line or a broken white line - overtaking is permitted but discouraged. However, do not cross the traffic lane marking near the intersections or traffic signals; you may be fined for the same.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

At an intersection with traffic signal, at times, it shows only the left and straight. Can you turn right at this point?
Rule: If the signal is not showing a right turn or has been put off – you cannot take the right turn.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

At a road junction with a signal, can you take the left turn freely?
Rule: Do not presume that a left turn is free without a ‘No infiltration left’ sign board. All left turns are signaled these days.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

If there is a ‘No Right Turn’ sign board – can we take a ‘U’ turn? 
Rule: A ‘No Right Turn’ sign indicates both the right turn and U turn are forbidden. Proceed ahead to find a gap in the median which does not have the ‘No Right Turn’ or ‘No U Turn’ boards.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

With a ‘Right Turn’ signal but without any ‘No U turn’ sign board can you take the U turn?
Rule: In absence of any mandatory direction control board you can take the ‘U turn’.

What does a blinking right turn signal mean?
Rule: If the right turn signal is blinking it means you may take the right turn with caution since the opposite flow of traffic is on.

Can we turn right from the left-most lane and left from the right-most lane?
Rule: For turning to left and right, the driver of a motor vehicle shall follow these rules:
i) When turning to the left, drive as close as possible to the left hand side of the road from which one is turning. Do not take a left turn from a right most lane.
ii) When turning to the right, move as near as possible to the central line of the road along which you are travelling. Wait for the signal to turn right. Sometimes, the police officer prompts you to proceed a little ahead- crossing the stop line. Do as instructed.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

Which documents should be carried in original?
Rule: All car documents are needed to be carried in original except the Certificate of Registration or Smart Card which can be carried as a photocopy. 
The original documents which are to be carried in the car are as follows: (i) Driving license of the driver (ii) Motor Insurance Certificates (iii) Road tax and (iv) ‘Pollution under Control’ (PUC) Certificate. 
Moreover, if the car is driven by a person other than the registered owner  and in the absence of the registered owner, then an authorisation letter of the registered owner is also required to be carried in original inside the car.
Only the Registration Certificate or Smart Card is exempted to be carried in original and a photocopy of the same may be kept inside the car.
Maximum first Penalty: `100 to 1000 and/or imprisonment for 3 months
Exception: Section 130(3) of the Motor Vehicles Act specifies, that if an owner of a privately owned light motor vehicle does not have any or all the certificates or documents in his possession, he shall, within 15 days from the date of demand, submit photo copies of the same, duly attested in person or send the same by registered post to the officer who demanded it.

For a new car, what is the grace period of exemption from carrying a ‘Pollution under Control’ (PUC) Certificate?
Rule: PUC Certificate for a new vehicle is not required for a period of 365 days i.e. 1 year from the date of registration of the car. From the 366th day a new PUC certificate is required to be carried inside the car. The green ‘pollution free’ sticker on the windscreen of a new car certifies that the car is non-polluting. The liability of excess pollution, if found within the first year of manufacture, lies with the car company.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

What is the grace period for a PUC or motor insurance?
Rule: There is no grace period for PUC or motor insurance. The police may impose a penalty beyond the last date of their validity.
Maximum first Penalty: Rs 100

What are the different ‘No Parking’ signs?
Rule: Prohibition of parking is indicated by many different signs and symbols such as (i) No Parking sign board (ii) Clamping Zone sign board (iii) Tow Away Zone sign board (iv) Black and Yellow paint on the side of the pavement (v) A continuous yellow line on the left edge of the road surface
Maximum first Penalty: `100

As per ‘Code of Practice for Road Signs’ the Indian Roads Congress 2012, has specified that the spacing between consecutive signs on the same side of the road should not be more than 30 metres without which you will not be at fault.
A 'free' parking stretch is demarcated by a blue ‘Parking’ sign board where you can park without any restriction or fee. 
A 'Fee Parking' area displays a ‘Fee Parking’ sign board which is manned by a uniformed parking attendant for a parking fee. At times, the parking attendant insists you to park at places which are actually prohibited parking areas. Under such circumstance, if there is a parking fine slapped upon you by a traffic officer, it is the parking attendant who would be responsible for the same and should reimburse you.

Is it only the driver who has to wear the seat belt?
Rule: Seat belts are mandatory for both the front seat passengers while the car is on move. 
Exception: Seat belts may be put off while the car is stationary or has stopped.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

In absence of a speed gun, how do traffic authorities penalise you for violation of a speed limit sign?
Rule: The new speed radars and cameras installed at the city roads are equipped with recording your speed along with your car registration number. A traffic fine challan can be automatically generated by the modern computerised system these days if you have violated the speed limit.
Maximum first Penalty: `300

In absence of a speed limit sign, at what speed should you drive within the city?
Rule: In absence of any speed limit sign, you may be charged for driving dangerously if you happen to be driving at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the public, having taken into consideration all the circumstances including the nature, condition and use of the place where the vehicle was being driven and the traffic situation at that particular hour.
Maximum first Penalty: Fine upto `1000 and/or imprisonment upto 6 months

There is an urgent call on your cell phone which needs to be attended. How will you take the call?
If you are forced to receive a call on your cell phone while driving, pull up your car to the extreme left of the road before attending the call. Cell phones and ear phones are both dangerous and their use is prohibited while driving.
Maximum first Penalty: `100

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