Souvik Ghosh Published : 10 May 2014

Apart from being familiar with the essential traffic rules and regulations, a good driver should be able to anticipate the moves of others on road. Safe driving is not a matter of luck but knowledge and practice. In order to promote safe driving, ‘Kolkata on WHEELS’ has introduced this column to guide you in your endeavour to grow as a motorist. We start from the basics
DEFENSIVE DRIVING – the safest practice

No moving vehicle is ever completely free from the possibility of being involved in an accident. Even a vehicle being driven on a straight clear road risks an accident. ‘Defensive driving’ involves anticipating situations or factors that may possibly lead to accidents and maneuvering the car accordingly to stay out of such situations. Following this method of driving consistently is called ‘defensive driving’. All over the world, veteran drivers regard defensive driving as the best technique for safe driving.


Before the drive
Adjust your seat for a comfortable posture.
Wear your seat belt and ensure that your co-passengers use them too.
Adjust the mirrors for a good view of the road and the traffic behind you.

During the drive
Drive steadily - unnecessary swerves can cause loss of control over the vehicle or cause accidents.
Pay attention to traffic signals and road signs.
Observe lane discipline. Do not change lanes without good reason.
Give pedestrians the right of way at pedestrian crossings.
Do not use cellphone while driving. However, to receive important calls - pull over to the left.
Do not drive at high speed unless absolutely necessary and you are sure of your driving skills.
Do not attempt to overtake unless it is essential and safe.
Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead – at least one vehicle length for every 15 km per hour of speed.

Put the light indicators on to show your intention to turn or change lanes - at least 20 metres before you do so.
Slow down while turning corners.
While turning left, keep as close to the left as possible – before, during and after.
For turning right, keep to the left side of your lane as far as possible and turn right. Do not take short cuts to infringe into the adjacent lane.

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