Souvik Ghosh Published : 10 May 2015

In this edition we are highlighting important practices for care and maintenance of tyres viz. vehicle alignment, wheel balancing and tyre rotation and their impact on tyre life in the form of simple questions and answers   

Tyres can act like mirrors of your driving habbits. In other words, by looking at the nature of wear and tear of tyre and other conditions, one can assess your driving habits and the vehicle’s mechanical conditions. 

What is vehicle alignment and what are its advantages?
Wheel alignment is part of standard automobile maintenance schedule that consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the car maker's specification.  A vehicle is said to be properly aligned when all the steering and suspension components are set as per the specification of vehicle manufacturer and when the tyre wheel assembly are running straight and true. 
Advantages of maintaining proper vehicle alignment are as follows:  
•    Proper alignment is necessary for 
    perfect vehicle control - less driver  fatigue
•    Uniform and even tyre wear – doesn’t have  to change tyres for longer duration 
•    It also helps in road safety as it enhances     vehicle control 
•    Better fuel economy  and less maintenance    
    cost on vehicle components (Refer to pic I, II & III)

How can I tell if my car’s alignment 
is off?
Bad roads can be your wheels’ worst enemy. If you drive down poorly maintained roads, drive through pot holes or even hit a curb, your vehicle's alignment can be greatly affected. Here are some noticeable signs that could indicate a misalignment. Just use your eyes, ears and hands for guidance.  
•    Vehicle pulling to one side
•    Uneven or rapid tyre wear
•    Your steering wheel is crooked when  driving straight
•    Squealing tyres
If any of the above symptoms are observed, then immediate vehicle alignment check is required otherwise motorist should get their vehicles alignment checked and corrected as per vehicle owner’s manual specification and schedule.

What is wheel balancing and what are its advantages?
A wheel which is not properly balanced may setup vibrations which can affect steering control. Wheels, tyres and tubes are usually checked for balance before leaving factory.  This balance is achieved by positioning weights on the wheel to counterbalance heavy spots on the tyre wheel assembly. Properly balanced tyres are important for driving comfort and long tyre life. Tyres should be balanced when they are mounted on the wheels for the first time or when they are removed for repair or periodically as per vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations.

What is tyre rotation and what are its advantages?
Tyre rotation is the practice of moving the wheels and tyres of an automobile from one position to another to ensure even tyre wear.  Tyre should be rotated as per vehicle manufacturer’s recommendation or in case of any uneven tyre wear.
It is suggested to check wheel alignment, wheel balance and suspension before the tyres are rotated (refer to pic. IV).


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