Team WHEELS Published : 25 November 2021

It is sad to see the precarious conditions of many major thoroughfares of Kolkata post monsoon. Almost every year, a few good spells of heavy showers is all that it takes to expose the poor quality of roads being built in our city. Team WHEELS toured one such important thoroughfare this month - the stretch between Paroma Island and Ruby Crossing - to inspect the ground reality.

This pothole-riddled stretch with frequent uneven patches is sure to leave you disappointed. While patchwork repairs are evident at several places, the resultant unevenness of the surface makes the drive very unpleasant, putting the suspension of your car at stress. Add to that the multiple traffic diversions due to the ongoing construction work of the east-west metro corridor – of which some diversions are completely unmarked – and this stretch is a mini-nightmare for the motorists of our city.

Take for example the traffic diversion close to the Panchannagram Crossing while travelling from Paroma Island towards Ruby Crossing. This unmarked diversion could prove tricky, especially after dark, as there are no markings or signage indicating the sudden Y-fork traffic diversion. The motorists driving past this juncture need to be very mindful of this unmarked diversion.

And as you keep driving onwards, the experience will prove extremely unpleasant with the terrible road surface condition and pot holes dotting practically the entire stretch right up to the Ruby Crossing.

Kindly look out for the huge crater smack in the middle of the main thoroughfare, near the Topsel Toyota showroom, while you are approaching the Ruby Crossing. Even if you are driving at moderately high speed, unmindfully landing on this crater could potentially cause damage to your front bumper and suspension, punching a sizeable hole in your pocket. Therefore, motorists are advised to keep their guard up and drive at low to moderate speed limits to ensure safety and to prevent damaging your vehicles.


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