Surjayan Adhikary Published : 24 December 2021

It was a foggy morning. The mercury had dropped substantially considering it is just end of November, the onset of winter in the city of joy. The nip in the air or the fog could not deter the regular morning bees near the Victoria Memorial. However, amidst all the fog and the regular crowd, a new ray of red and white flickering lights can be noticed – an entourage of riders in colourful neon jerseys, riding their fashionable bikes.


Kolkata has seen a surge in cycling in the last three to four years and it has evolved by leaps and bounds during the pandemic. With health being the top-most priority in these trying times, cycling is the go-to mantra for many sport enthusiasts now. Cycling not only provides various health benefits but also a quick escapade from the much-dreaded house arrest. Apart from being an excellent form of exercise, cycling gives one an opportunity to explore areas ranging from the hidden bylanes of the city to the picturesque heritage spots and rustic unknown outskirts. Needless to say, it is becoming an integral part of the lives of Kolkatans.

There are a lot of cycling groups in Kolkata who now operate in different parts of the city. Cycle Network Grow Foundation (CNG Foundation), CEC, Argo, Discover on Wheels, Kolkata Cycling Club, and Ride2Breathe are among the popular names. According to Prateek Jain, Secretary of CNG, the cycle community of CNG was founded by Neil Law and Ashish Bajaj in May 2016. It is a registered trust, devoid of any membership charges. Anyone interested in cycling is welcome to the group. CNG invites like-minded people from different walks of life, allowing them to bond over the love for cycling. With current member strength of over 1000 plus, spread across six chapters of Kolkata, the Foundation has witnessed impressive growth in recent times, being showered by the love of cycling enthusiasts.

Cycling as a sport has multiple benefits including improved cardiovascular fitness, decreased stress levels, better bone strength. Health benefits aside, cycling creates a sense of community building amongst people who choose to be a part of the group. The people though divided by age, gender, profession, and social standing, are united by their one true passion of riding together and exploring the unknown.


It also adds a dash of nostalgia to the whole experience, as most of us had our first bike when we were kids. Understandably, cycling makes us feel like walking down memory lane, remarks Jain. The cycling groups have also witnessed a spike in the number of individuals voluntarily participating in long distance cycling marathons. CNG, for example, conducts various cycling activities like East Endurance, Cyclovaganza, BRMs to name a few. They envision growing further and hope to establish themselves as one of the biggest cycling groups in the coming years. They also plan to conduct more cycling activities and awareness programs in upcoming times.

It is also important that a rider should abide by certain laws for his/her safety while riding. A rider should always wear a helmet, head and taillights are a must, he/she should abide by the traffic signals and always use hand signs during turns. Moreover, the rider should always be aware of the surroundings and avoid pitfalls/causes of any injury. ‘It is imperative that we always ride responsibly and keep ourselves safe, rather than being sorry,’ comments Jain.

The city has some excellent roads in the New Town-Rajarhat area, making it a haven for cyclists. The think tank of the various cycling groups chalks out different cycle-friendly routes, sometimes even in the rural areas, leading to a unique experience each time. However, on the flip side, cyclists are sometimes considered as slow traffic movers and not respected by others. Therefore, an inclusivity and awareness among the general masses should be created. They should understand that cycling is not only a sport, but a primary mode of transportation for many wage runners and people running daily errands. Nevertheless, the sheer ecstasy of cycling has bitten a lot of Kolkatans. Each may have a different purpose, outlook or perception on that bike ride, but it is a welcome change that cycles are back in the city.
There are quite a few exclusive cycle showrooms in the city who cater to the needs of the enthusiasts.  These are GC Calcutta Cycle Company Pvt Ltd, Veloton, Stay Tuned, The Bike Junction, Bike Studio, Decathlon Sports India Ltd to name a few and we do have the Bentinck Street shops who have been selling cycles since time immemorial. 

We do hope that the local bodies take note of this development and encourage the cyclists by relaxing the norms to ride in certain areas or roads in the city, as cycling creates less noise, less air pollution and results in fewer emissions responsible for warming the atmosphere.  

Till then Happy Riding!!!


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