Joydip Sur Published : 28 February 2022

Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose occupies a unique position in the history of modern Indian science. Bose was the pioneer of experimental science in India and devised many sensitive instruments for his research both in physics and physiology. Bose’s scientific prowess led him to achieve worldwide fame. But not many of us knew about his love for his 1925 Fiat Tipo which is now preserved in the Birla Industrial and Technological Museum.

The car and the building that houses it are equally important, historically. For prior to 1919, the premise of Birla Industrial & Technological Museum, now at 19A, Gurusaday Road, was earlier known as 18, Ballygunge Store Road. Record shows that the Tagores purchased it from Mirza Abdul Karim in 1898. Meera Devi, the fourth of Rabindranath Tagore’s five children, spent a large part of her childhood in this house. Significantly, Tagore and Jagadish Chandra Bose were close friends. Later G.D. Birla bought the property in 1919 from Surendranath Tagore and from henceforth this premise came to be known as Birla Park.

After the Birlas took over the property, there were major changes. The house was pulled down and architects N. Guin & Co. were called upon to design the main building structure as we see today. It is a colonial adaptation of a mixture of various styles of European Art. And, at present, inside this building in a glass enclosure stands Jagadish Bose’s prized car – the 1925 Fiat Tipo. 

The world has much to thank the Italians for. The country that gave us Sophia Loren and Leonardo da Vinci is also home to some of the leading car manufacturers of the world. Fiat was founded on July 11, 1899, at Palazzo Bricherasio, the company charter of “Società Anonima Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino” was signed. 

In 1916, the construction of Lingotto factory started under the direction of Giacomo Mattè Trucco. The factory, the largest in Europe, occupied five floors and had a futuristic test track on the roof. It soon became the emblem of the Italian automotive industry and was completed in 1922. It was here that the Fiat Tipo 103 was manufactured between 1925 and 1929. 

Records reveal that 9,000 units of the Fiat Tipo were produced. It was a very popular car of that era. Later Fiat manufactured several other variants of the Tipo.  This four cylinder car boasted of 130 kmph of maximum speed and a cope de ville body type. It has a magneto ignition system and can seat up to four passengers.

It may be mentioned that the Bose couple was fond of sporting activities like rowing and cycling and rode cycles of H Bose. The scientist also had a liking for European car over their American counterparts and bought the Tipo 103 in 1925 over Buick and Cadillac.

JC Bose shared a close friendship with Rabindranath Tagore and often visited his Jorasanko residence in this Fiat Tipo. On several occasions the poet Laureate has travelled in this 1925 Fiat Tipo along with Bose. The bard too has a fascination for automobiles and his family owned several European and American cars including a pair of 1933 Humbers – one of which was kept at Jorasanko Thakurbari and the other was stationed at Santiniketan. 

Jagadish Bose loved the 1925 Fiat Tipo and continued to use this car until his death in 1937. After the death of Lady Abala Bose, the car was gifted to the museum by his nephew, DM Sen.

The authorities at Birla Industrial & Technological Museum have done a commendable job in restoring and preserving this historic car. The Tipo is on display at the Transport Gallery at BITM which traces the history of civilization through various modes of transport from palanquins to automobiles and worth a visit for all Kolkatans.

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